There may have been a time when you thought that old bronze chandelier was the coolest thing in the world, but that time has long since passed. The prospect of replacing your tile counter top with granite can be prohibitively expensive for many of us, but have you considered the difference that a few new lighting fixtures can make, for just a fraction of the price? If you're looking to get the biggest bang for your buck, you can never go wrong with new lighting. You won't recognize your old kitchen, living room, or bathroom once you rip out those retro oak fixtures and replace them with modern pendants, tasteful track lighting, or recessed fixtures.
Replacing your kitchen's counter tops can typically cost up to $8,000. Replacing your floors will cost even more. Put those projects off for when money grows on trees. In the meantime, call our electricians in Livermore and we'll be there to give you the house you never thought you could have, for only a fraction of the price.