Your Livermore CA Electricians Want You to Go Green!
The LLNL sucks up enough juice on its own without all of us adding to the equation. Just a few simple tips from our Livermore CA electricians can help you cut back for years to come.
- It may take a little time to get used to the light that high-efficiency bulbs put out, but the switch is 100% worth it. The average compact florescent bulb (CFL) will save about $6 per year, or $40 over its lifespan, which means that it actually makes sense to replace all your old bulbs before they even burn out. Furthermore, CFLs put out 1/4th the heat of old, incandescent bulbs, which means that you will save a little on air conditioning costs in the summer, as well.
Stop using your old refrigerator as a "second fridge." In the late 90s, before the massive efficiency gains of the last decade, refrigerators used to account for 30% of household energy costs. Your old refrigerator is still using as much energy as it always did. If you're prone to making Costco runs, you're better off buying a new waist-high freezer. Otherwise, you should consider recycling your old refrigerator, or using it for dry shelving storage.
- Try to do as much of your laundry as possible using cold water. When cleaning with hot water, 85% of the energy costs will go straight to heating.
- Unplug appliances when going on vacation, and turn off lights whenever you leave the room. The exception is if you work at Station 6.